Trusted by Laboratories, Hospitals, Medical Equipment Manufacturers, Research Facilities, and Food Processing Plants.
System Highlights:
Wireless Monitoring and Data Logging
Dedicated Cloud Based Software and Storage
24/7 Alarm Monitoring
Response Control
Emergency Boots On The Ground Response
Easily View and Access All Systems In One Spot
Customizable Dashboards for multiple users allows for displaying assigned units.
System Overview:
Data Loggers contain on-board memory to provide data redundancy at the point of measurement.
Data automatically transmitted to backfill any data gaps after any connectivity interruption.
Data safeguards include: Secure audit trail, system access controls, authority segregation, encrypted comms and data origin checks
Access the data/user interface from a browser, smart device, PC or tablet.
Trend Views + Reports:
Live Trend Data
Monitored Locations in the Trend View
Comparative Analysis
View Specific Sensor Data
Export Reports to PDF or Spreadsheet
Customized alarms and alerts to suite your needs. (Multi-Stage Alarms, Automated Escalation, Non-Reportable Alarms.) Trusted by Laboratories, Hospitals, Medical Equipment Manufacturers, Research Facilities, and Food Processing Plants.
Simplified System Diagram
Supply and full system setup by seasoned professionals
Establish emergency protocols for when things go wrong
Professional 24-Hour watch over all critical material
SecanInc's Last Stand Response insures you are never left without help
Data is constantly logged and stored in SecanInc's Secured Data Storage
Manage Your Data
SecanIncs Critical Systems Monitoring (CSM) Software allows for Easy management of important data from all critical equipment in one secure place.
Each user can fully customize what they want to see on their personal dashboard. Create multiple dashboards for different sites or categories.
Customize your dashboard to show exactly the information that is necessary to you.
Easily cut out the noise and focus on the equipment that matters.
Have all Warnings and Criticals front and center to allow for easy acknowledgement.
Quickly maneuver through your site using the site map always visible, giving you access to quick views, details, and graphs.
Create live trend data with SecanInc's specialized easy to use interface
Show monitored locations in the trend view
Add multiple channels for comparative analysis
Customize graphs to view specific sensor data
Reports can easily be exported as a PDF or Spreadsheet